Mon 27 Jan
🌟Stop l👀king, The BEST IS HERE🌟 - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans, French Quarter,CBD,Mid-City)
Tiffani learned a new trick with a cherry stem wanna see jus call me!! - 19
(new orleans and surrounding areas)
THE BEST in ToWN! CaTCH Me NoW $50 Specials WhY TrY The ReSt I'M THE BEST!! !COME SEE! - 26
Specials ... (Y_O_U_R ) (G_O_N_N_A) (L_O_V_E_) (M_E_) ... Specials - 21
(New Orleans, meterie / new orleans)
•♛• PERFECT➓ ☆★ Busty Blonde Bunny ★ MONDAY SPECIALS | SEE BELOW ❤ S£x¥ • Sass¥ • Class¥☆ - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie/Downtown/Westbank/LaPlace)
(((( SweEt )))) New (((((( BiG Bo()tY )))) SnOWBUNNY^ (((( ReAdy NoW )))) **** - 22
(New Orleans, new orleans/metairie)
❤ *¨¨* SUPERLICIOUS Bahamian BARBIE :: Edibly Sweet COKE BOTTLE Figure *¨¨* ❤ - 23
(METAIRIE - Upscale Location)
✨Specials💄Sexy PlAyMaTe 💄 KinkyMiXxED Ebony 💋 xöxö 💋 HOT HOT >Don't Miss
(New Orleans, Downtown French Quarter)
💦💦🔥SpecialS🔥AvAiLaBle NOW🔥★★KaSSie ★ In-CaLL ★★ SpecialS🔥AvAiLaBle NOW 🔥💦💦 - 25
(New Orleans, Uptown / Carrollton)
Special : G.F.E. Pink-Athon (don't B SHY) ... ... ... IN/OUTcall prompt No gas Fee - 22
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 21
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, everywhere)
Soft, sensual, elegant woman for distinguished gentlemen - 56
(New Orleans, N 30.321754 W 90.184588 NOT N.O.)
Snow♡Bunny Alert!!! 60 special 512🌟430🌟8877 Incalls Only - 24
(East, Gentilly, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
{ STOP} T!GHT :: ( ♥TENDER♥ ) :: ( ♥WILD♥ ) ::: ( ♥n.yMpHo BLONDE♥ ):: ( ♥ Ready Now - 24 - 24
(New Orleans, Kenner/Frenchquarter/Covington/Slidell)
~~ Sexy & sweet & Beautiful Armenian body work specialist wants 2 have fun with you! - 23
(New Orleans, French Quarters, New Orleans)
So I'm not as pretty as the fakes posted on backpage... but at least I use my own picture in my ad!! - 19
(Baton Rouge surroudings)
•-:¦:-•So SeXy •-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •-- 60 Specials☆ ☆ - 26
(New Orleans, METAIRIE)
Slidell incall ** Lonnie ** ** AN UNFORGETABLE EXPERIENCE** ___ (601)795-3111 - 36
(New Orleans, slidell)
👉🚪Sign on front door of bordello:💁"Beat It. We're Closed."😂(I'm home tho!)😆📲5O4-435-8885• - 27
((OUT)Metairie, Kenner, New Orleans (IN), Mid-City, New Orleans)
🐱Sariya🎊new here call me n🎉🎁🐱 713@322@7439 !!!🏪🏩 - 21
(Eastern NO, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, New Orleans west bank incalls, West Bank)
°*ஐ*° S E X Y *ஐ*° B L O N D E *ஐ*° P L A Y M A T E *ஐ*° - 38
(Arriving in Baton Rouge @ 1 pm)
🍒Sexy Sweet🍒Petite Brunette🌟💛 Specials🌟 💛 - 21
(downtown/Metairie/slidell/Covington, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
________ S e x y P l a y m a t e ________ - 23
(French Quarter / CBD, Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans, New Orleans DOWNTOWN incall)
Sexy » New » Ebony » Black China » Big Boobs » Big » Juicy » Booty » Beautiful » Chocalate » Skin - 22
(New Orleans, East)
Sexy Callie 💦💋 Back in Town💦💋 Get me while YOU CAN🤑 - 23
(All areas, French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans)
S E X Y ) ===== 23.YR OLd CaRAmEL GoDDeSS == LuSCiOUS BoDy /AmAZiNg SkiLLZ - 24
(New Orleans, French Quarter..DownTown OuTcaLLs OnLy)
*★*——— SEXY ——— *★*——— BUSTY ——— *★*leaving 2morrow——— EBONY ——— *★*——— 36DD'S ——— *★*SPECIALS! - 21
(New Orleans, new orleans incalls&outcalls;)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃☆° $$pecials ☆° ❤ FLiGHT to ✈ ( ¯`SATiSFACTiON ° •´¯ ) ✈ Boarding NOW ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 44
(New Orleans, Westbank/ HARVEY)
Sexy babydoll here for your desires! lets make fantasy reality! - 25
(New Orleans, in and out calls)
»- ♥-» *•___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥-»* - 21
(New Orleans, TOUCH DOWN)
⭐Redhead With That 💣🐴🐱 Scarlett! New Orleans Favorite Redhead 🍬💜!!⭐⭐ - 28
(Bywater, Metairie, Kenner, New Orleans East,, New Orleans)
💕petite beauty ready to party💕 Call me now for some fun😈 - 19
(Kenner IN/ OUT citywide, Mid-City, New Orleans)
•°o♥o°• YOUR •°o♥o°• SATISFACTION •°o♥o°• IS MY •°o♥o°• #1 PRIORITY!!! ••°o♥o°• well reviewd - 22
(New Orleans, Kenner)
____► ____ Play some One on One.. starring L A D I B U G ----- S P E C ! A L S ____► - 23
☎Real+Recent Pictures☎ Jamaican ☆Hottie 😻💋Perfect➓((Well Reviewed))👀100hh today only - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie New Orleans)
♥ Rapturous & exuberant Ebony girlfriend! ♥ STELLAR REVIEWS ♥ Downtown out call available ♥ - 27
(French Quarter / CBD, French Quarter; CBD; Garden District, New Orleans)
- Princess - Gorgeous - Exotic - Olive - Skin - Beauty - Sexy n Tasteful - 20
(New Orleans, metairie)
~~~~~~ Outcall Only 504-324-1861 ~~~~~~ Singapore SEXY HOT May ~~~~~~ New Asian Girl - 21
(New Orleans, Outcall Only)
$$$$--- PLAYOFF SPECIALS$$and my team didnt play tonight but --WHO IS YOUR TEAM? - 19
(i-10 veterans blvd)
REaL PiCs!!! ((S u P e R)) __ (S e X y) ___ (( J U i C y )) ___ ( J i G G L y ) __ ((B L o N D e)) - 24
(M E T A I R I E / N.O./ FReNCh QuArTeRs)
❤ Petite ❤ BLONDE ❤ OutCalls ❤ Petite❤ BLONDE ❤ - 19
(New Orleans, Mandeville/Covington/Slidell/Kenner)
New!!!SeXxy,Young,FUN& Addictive, Come Get Your Fix !!! Ready to ease your mind, relax with me /:) - 21
(Eastern NO, New Orleans)
NEW** vErY FrEakY MoNdAY.. sExY eBoNy SmALl waiSt nice RoUnD BOoTY (100)SPECIALS - 21
(New Orleans, EAST N.O.)