Mon 27 Jan
[★The Best To Ever Do It !!★] (BACK IN TOWN) _ (EXOTIC/MIX) _ (FLAWLESS 4 U)!! - 23
(New Orleans, 10min From French Quarters / I10)
StopPP!!!RARE breed! SUPER HOT 🔥 Super BUSTY ( )( ) Asian mixX... Avail NOW! - 25
(New Orleans, French Quarter/CBD OUTCALL)
№➊ ReQUESTED ( **Brunette** ) ✰ PREMiERE PLaYMATE ✰ =CoMPLETE KNoCKOUT - 23
(New Orleans, 10 min. from French Quarters, I10)
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
Slippery and Tastee I'm the best of the best Dominican freak with the perfect physic5045180226 Chloe - 24
(East New Orleans, Eastern NO, New Orleans)
*SExY*KiNkY *REaDy 2 PLaY* ★tOP NoTCH PrOviDeR ★ *AvaILAbLE Now* ♥** - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I- From French Quarters)
(New Orleans, Hwy I- From French Quarters)
RaL Na§T¥ GuRL »-★-» 100%RAL *DoMiNiCaN* HoTT! ÅmÅz!N BoD¥ »-★-» $70 §PC!ÅL§ CaLL M - 28
★♡ ♡★★Playful, sexy, & amazing DOMINICAN REAL college student😚I AM THE BEST ON BP - 22
(New Orleans, outcalls)
№➊ ReQUESTED ( **Brunette** ) ✰ PREMiERE PLaYMATE ✰ =CoMPLETE KNoCKOUT - 23
(New Orleans, 10 min. from French Quarters, I10)
👑🎀Rare EXQUISITE Dominican Chocolate TEMPTRESS💋Natural killer Curves! Certified King Treatment👑...😏™ - 24
(French Quarter / CBD, New Orleans, Outcalls only)
(( ★'PRFCT PL@¥M@T ¯` ° ★' DONT MI§§ OUT ¯` ° ★' ((ULTiMÅT iNDULGNC )) - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
(¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) Real Sexy Dominican (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯)S _ P _ E _ C _ I _ A _ L _ S - 20
(New Orleans, metairie)
Ra!N¥ Da¥ BaB¥ [RaL Na§T¥ RaLTh!Ck *DoM!n!CaN* Ch!C §naK AwA¥ -N- CoM PLa¥] !nTn§ $80 §PC!AL§ - 29
~* $pecials ~ ~ Last day N town~~ Dominican Playmate ``38*DD* 100%real pics - 26
(New Orleans, out&incalls;)
NW P!C'§ (100% RaL Th!Ck & Na§T¥) {100% FraK¥ *DoMiNiCaN* M!xD RDbOn} ($70 §PC!ÅL§ 24/7 BaB¥) - 28
New York Exotic here💃🏽Super Seductive👯 Dominican Portugese Blend👩🏽🍑😜 Wanna Try Some❓ - 20
(New Orleans, West Bank, Westbank French Quarters)
New Playmate. Super Hot! TiRED OF FAKE GIRLS?? IM 1000% AUTHENTIC.——* DOMINICAN ——* - 20
(New Orleans, Westbank)
Oh LaLa *DoM!N!cAn* PeAcH CoBbLeR ★ ThAt W!LL MaKe U §LoB**BeR ★ Na§tY $8O §pE!CaL§ - 29
(New Orleans, MeTaiRiE....InCaLLs & OuTCaLLs CaLL NoW)
🌟New Pretty Face💕№➊ SeXy🌟UpScALE SpANiSH BoMbShELL 💖 💯% ➜RARE💦 HigHLy SKiLLeD ♠️Killer BODY💕 - 22
(Central City / Garden District, New Orleans)
!nToWn @1Pm CoMe GeT !T ♥ HoT *DoM!n!CaN* PeAcH P!e §o Ta§ty ♥ YuMMy $8O §PeC!aL§ - 30
(New Orleans, MeTaiRiE/InCaLLs&OuTCaLLs; AvAiL NoW)
New In TOWN AVAIL NOW * Sexy Ebony Mixed Beauty ( 1OO% REAL Photos ) *AVAIL NOW - 20
🌸💕🌸 New Kinky 🍭 Exotic Aubrey In Town🌸💕🌸 - 23
(French Quarter / CBD, French quarter, Kenner, Mid-city, New Orleans)
L👀k, 💎 Gorgeous 💎 🆕🆕 Latina Playmate 💋💋 💦 Pleasure 💦 At it's very BEST!💋💋 - 24
(New Orleans, My place or urs pappi/ Up all night!)
💦JUiC¥💦💋DoMiNiCaN 🍌 6o 8o 1oo 💦✋🍬 ✋STOP HERE! K¡∫∫∑R ⓜOⓤⓣⓗ SK¡LLz 🍭✋ ① 00%ŔƐΛĿ EXØTiC ƒяєαк - 18
(New Orleans, Metairie/outcalls to Laplace)
•°☆•° ☆LaSt WeekITalian & Ebony ExCePtIOnal BeAuTies 60 SpeCialS ★ •°☆ - 22
LeAvInG IN ThE mOrNiNg ★ sUpPeR *SeXy* DeLuXe _XxX_ DoMiNiCaN S!Ut ★ $100 dOn'T MiSS oUt - 27
(Metairie.Incalls/FrEncH qUaRter oUtcaLLs)
La§T Da¥ InToWn BaB¥ »-★-» FraK¥ ¥uMM¥ DoMiNiCaN BuNn¥ »-★-» $80 §PCIÅL§ Da¥ Or NiT - 27
IM BACK! 💦☔️Come Chase My Killer Curves💃🏽Super Seductive👯 Dominican Portugese Blend👩🏽🍑😜 Wanna Try Some❓ - 20
(New Orleans, West Bank, West Bank, French quarters, casino)
*DoM!N!cAn* B!mbO ★ ThE §WeeTe§§ Azz !n ThE §oUtH bAbY ★ HoT $8o §pE!CaL§ - 29
(New Orleans, KeNNeR.INCALL & OUTCALLS 24/7 BaBy!!)
Exotic Dominican Cuban Mixed Babe * Bangin Body Soft Booty Long LegS * Sweet PlayMate *ReAl DeAl - 21
(New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS ♥ AVAILABLE 24 7)
Dominican mixed bombshell🔥🔥🔥🔥 Specials all day! - 22
(New Orleans, West Bank, West Bank expressway/ Terry pkwy)
♡ Dominican Cuban Mixx PlayMate ♡Your N@ughty Wish♡ My Command♡ Ultimate Companion - 21
(New Orleans, INCALLS ♥OUTCALLS♥ Specials)
💦☔️Come Chase My Killer Curves💃🏽Super Seductive👯 Dominican Portugese Blend👩🏽🍑😜 Wanna Try Some❓ - 20
(New Orleans, West Bank, West Bank French quarters,)
(EXOT!C! ) ★.... (ADD¡Ct¡V )°★ ( CuT¡) Brunette ... (1oO% ~ ME) .. ( AvA¡LaBL! NoW; ) - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I- From French Quarters)
(( ★ EXOTiC HotTiE ★ )) __WiTH★A __ (( ★ SEDUCTiVE BODy ★)) SPECIALS - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I- From French Quarters)
Enticing Playmate Jahiara: Sexy - Exotic - Discreet - Unrushed - AVAILABLE NOW - 25
(New Orleans, Call Me)
♡ Dominican Cuban Mixx PlayMate ♡Your N@sty N@ughty Wish♡ My Command♡ 1000% Real - 21
(New Orleans, INCALLS ♥OUTCALLS♥ 80$ In Specials)
__((CAUTION)) __ __((ALERT)) ===== {{EXOTIC BOMBSHELL}}= SPECIAL ={{RARE}}== == - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/ 10min From French Quarters)
Sun 12 Jan
(( ★EXOTiC HotTiE ★)) __TRY ME ~ Come~ Indulge ~In ~ Greatness °•*•°* MiXeD ViXEN - - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
The Dominican n Black sexy diva wants to Drip all over you,LAST DAY TO PLAY!I just cant get Enough! - 26
(New Orleans, Kenner,(Veterans BLVD))
[★The Best To Ever Do It !!★] (•BACK IN TOWN•) _ (•EXOTIC/MIX•) _ (•FLAWLESS 4 U•)!! - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
❤ToP SeCReT!!! JAWDROPPiNG* EXOTIC Bombshell KiLLER CuRveS - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/ 10min From French Quarters)
TAKE A°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ FLIGHT ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
Sat 11 Jan
SweEt & Sassy & Simple ♥ All NatUral BreatHtaking BeauTy ♥ Dominican Cuban Mix♥ Come On Over - 21
-:¦:- THE BEST of the BEST ((KnOcKoUt)) BeauTy -:¦:- HOT-:¦:- TeMpTiNG -:¦:-Top Notch 36DD - 24
GENTLEMEN'S 1st CHOICE ♥ Tiny Dominican- Italian MiX ♥ CALL NOW ! ! ! ♥ Available 24/7 ! ! - 21
(New Orleans, Kenner , metarie & Airport area,s)
__((CAUTION)) __ __((ALERT)) ===== {{EXOTIC BOMBSHELL}}= SPECIAL ={{RARE}}== == - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/ 10min From French Quarters)
~* $pecials ~ ~ Last day N town~~ Dominican Playmate ``38*DD* 100%real pics - 26
(New Orleans, out&incalls;)
100% RaL *FraK* BaB¥ »-★-» Na§t¥ ¥uMM¥ *DoMiNiCaN* HoN¥ »-★-» $70$ §PCIÅL§ ALL Da¥ - 28
*!*!*when she says NO, i say YES!*!*!*Incall specials specials!! - 21
(New Orleans, IN/OUT DOWNTOWN/french quarters)
Fri 10 Jan
TonGue TanTalizing Mixed Cutie ♥ ComE TakE A BitE Of Me♥ ReaDy To PlaY DiRtY ♥ Are YoU - 21
💋I☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO ♥ §W€€† § H€AV€N ☆ BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL💋Reviewed Curvy Petite Natural Babe - 21
(New Orleans, Specials♥ In & Out Calls)
[★ CrAzY OuTcAlL SpEcIaLs !!★] (BACK IN TOWN) _ (EXOTIC/MIX) _ (FLAWLESS 4 U)!! - 23
(New Orleans, 10 min. from French Quarters, I10)
TASTY 💞💘⇖✘⇗ Beautiful⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞 LAST NIGHT SPECIAL⚠ dominican n black creole barbie⚡ ⚡PINK ICE - 24
(New Orleans, West bank in call location)
Slippery and Tastee I'm the best of the best Dominican freak with the perfect physic5045180226 Chloe - 24
(East New Orleans, Eastern NO, New Orleans)
№➊ 1 ReQUEStED ✰ PReMiERE PlAyMAtE✰ KiiKii ✰ Let Me Show The Trick That Every1 Luvs.... - 19
(New Orleans, I LOVE TO KISS)
★ Ur UlTiMaTe FaNtAsY ★ S€x¥• BoD¥ & PrEttY FaCe ★ PuRe SatiSfaCtIoN! - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
ThE Be§t InToWn NoW »-★-» §!UttY DoMiNiCaN *CuTiE* OnDuTy »-★-» $100 §PCIÅL§ CaLL NOW - 27
(Metairie.Incalls/FrEncH qUaRter oUtcaLLs)
★.The ♥ PRINCESS Of PLEASURE ★ [ X ] RĀTD DAZzLinG ...CU¡ °★ - 23
(New Orleans, 10 min. from French Quarters, I10)
T_H__E__ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E_ - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/ 10min From French Quarters)
Thu 09 Jan
TAKE A°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ FLIGHT ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)
Just what you been wanting!! I'm BACK!!!....Ready to have some fun!! Hot and Ready!! - 22
(New Orleans, French Quarter, Westbank)
[★ CrAzY OuTcAlL SpEcIaLs !!★] (•BACK IN TOWN•) _ (•EXOTIC/MIX•) _ (•FLAWLESS 4 U•)!! - 23
(New Orleans, 10 min. from French Quarters, I10)
New York Exotic here💃🏽Super Seductive👯 Dominican Portugese Blend👩🏽🍑😜 Wanna Try Some❓ - 20
(New Orleans, West Bank, Westbank French Quarters)
GoRgeoUs° BreaThe TaKiNg ° FuN & SeXy ExOtIc° No RuSh ❤1OO% Real Piks_(( CLick HeRe)) - 23
(New Orleans, 10 min. from French Quarters, I10)
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ GORGEOUS BUSTY DOMINICAN BEAUTY ❤ ❤❤❤❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 23
(New Orleans, [ French quarte Outcalls / INCALLS)
FRak¥ ★SXY! °☆° Fl¡RtY ★╚» ÂN XP®I NC YÕU'LL NVR FÕ®GT ! - 23
(New Orleans, Hwy I-10/10min From French Quarters)