Mon 27 Jan
⚜🏆🍑* Sw€€T & \FReaKY/ *👑* HighL¥ SkïLL€d *👑* HighL¥ GïfTed *👑* ExöTïc PLä¥mäT€ *🍒🏆⚜ - 23
(Mid-City, New Orleans)
SUPER HOT —————————————— ((( •♥• STUNNING BRUNETTE PLAYMATE •♥• ))) —————————— AVAILABLE - 31
(New Orleans, Out-calls Only)
S E X YC L A S S YB E A U T I F U L*R E A L*S A T I S F A C T I O N - 21
(Metairie exit causeway)
$$$$--- PLAYOFF SPECIALS$$and my team didnt play tonight but --WHO IS YOUR TEAM? - 19
(i-10 veterans blvd)
Bayou self a fantastic evening!nola now!!! Back in town New # - 24
(covington nola slidell, Mid-City, New Orleans)
Sun 12 Jan
♡☆♡☆SEXY Samantha ALWAYS Classy And Beautiful 5☆ Service! ♡ What I Do And So Will You!♡☆♡☆ - 28
New to the scene... New to you... NOT new to pleaeasing... and you are going to absOlurely lOve me!! - 25
Oriental Relax Massage_ @@@@@@@__________ BEAUTIFUL & Young & Cute Girls ___@@@@@@@ ______@@@@@____ - 23
(935 S Morrison Blvd Hammond, LA 70403, New Orleans)
MASSAGE LACOMBE - stripper pole added to V. I. P. Therapy NOW !!!!! - 27
×.°l l .: SeXy KiMbEr N pLaYfUl MiCHeLlEs sWeEt TrEaT .°l ×. 2 for 1 - 23
(New Orleans, cbd hotel)
Erotic, Sensual Bodywork by the Creative Sexy Hands of Liegh - 26
(French Quarter, CBD, New Orleans)
Massage's By Kristy _ 100% real photo's _ New Orleans Outcalls -1 Day - 28
(New Orleans, NEW ORLEANS and surrounding areas)
MONDAY NITE Special! Bored? All Alone In Ur Hotel Rm?Call Me - 25
(New Orleans, orleans,westbank&slidell;)
"A Great Massage Is 4 A Great Man" Do U Agree?? Truly Amazing!! Call Me (769)243-0264 - 28
(WEST BANk/ANd AnYwHEre I NeeD 2 B)
🍒Come get Relaxed by Bella Today!- Friday start @ 7a-1pm Incall $100 Special - 35
(New Orleans, Slidell, prvt hm. outcall adv. notice)
!*!* - - - In NeeD OF STReSS ReLiEF? ! ? all nude B2B body RuBS- New In TowN! ! - 19
(downtown New Orleans)
Sat 11 Jan
!!!! 504-223-4801 *****LaSt NIghT HeRe ***** grEaT SpEciaLs *** cAll me NOw - 21
(New Orleans, Metairie,incalls and out)
"A Great Massage Is 4 A Great Man" Do U Agree?? Truly Amazing!! Call Me (601) 327-0194 - 28
(WEST BANk/And Any Where Else)
Available -- Attractive Petite Blonde - Sensual Bodyworks - Incall & Outcalls - 38
(New Orleans, New Orleans - CBD - French Quarter)
💋Maria wants to rub some fun into the new year!! Remember, he who hesitates....💋 - 25
(French Quarter/Mid City border, New Orleans)
Come see me today for a special ... I'm Waiting!!🔸Roxxi 💞 Tattooed Latina Princess💞 - 29
(New Orleans, New Orleans -15 min or less from most ar)
Melt all your worries and stress away with complete sensual body rubs by Jayden - 30
(New Orleans, downtown new orleans area)
Tired of disappointments? BEAUTIFUL & Sweet Goddess Providing Full Body Rubs • DISCRETE • NonRushed - 25
(New Orleans, French Quarter/Downtown)
💋❤️💋❤️ I don't kiss & tell!!! I will have you feeling so great with these MAGIC hands!!!❤️💋❤️💋 - 26
(New Orleans, New Orleans & surrounding areas)
Free Massage Parlor Reviews - Korean, Latina, Asian, Japanese, Chinese
(Baton Rouge, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport)
YOUR -:¦:- TOES -:¦:- WILL -:¦:-DEFINITELY -:¦:-CURL*** INTERNATIONAL__ ShOwStOppER ___(( NeW )) - 20
(New Orleans)
Fri 10 Jan
✄--CUT Out The FAKES TREAT UrSeLf DONT BeAt UrSeLf with those Model Pics Im 100% Real 9'Beefstick - 27
(New Orleans, Metairie)
Believe the Hype. 100% Free Escort Reviews!!! - 23
(Alexandria, Baton Rouge, Houma, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe, New Orleans, Shreveport, InCall)